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The traditional tool for time always keeping for pigeon racing use the00 rubber engagement rings that include a unique serial numbers plus the especially created pigeon rushing clock. Often the ring is usually worn around the bird’s knee. The dramón number is usually hence saved, then, the time is set just before it is made. The pet bird carries that home. As being the bird earnings to the home, typically the trainer will be taking off the wedding ring and then locations it into your clock position. That is the moment that is in that case recorded.
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15. “Tenchinage”. Any.p.the. a “heaven-and-earth put.” This procedure necessitates the “uke” taking hold of together wrists from the “nage.Inches In the years ahead, any nage sweeps just one hands decreased (“earth”) along with the alternative substantial (“heaven”), so they could unbalance the actual uke.
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