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Despite a knee cruciate ligament surgery, but the Timberwolves point guard Ricky Rubio in the season GS Jordan Shoes is still a good performance. However, the newly appointed president of Philip Timberwolves – Sanders for the Spanish golden boy obviously has a higher demand, he hoped that the latter can rapidly enhance the ability to score. Last season, Rubio is averaging 2.4 steals per game played with the Clippers’ Chris – Paul tied for the league. In addition, he also sent out 7.3 assists, and LeBron – James matched. Court, Rubio talent, spirituality and vision gives the left a deep impression, but his scoring ability is always afraid people compliment.
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The greatest responsibility in the field will be responsible for organizing the attack GS Jordans 6. But as Sanders said, if Rubio weapons Curry scored more this option, then he will become more evident in the field tough.In order to allow him to upgrade to a higher level, which (to improve the ability to score) he needs to be done, and I believe he will work hard to do so. Sanders said finally.

The point guard, this (increase scoring ability) is his next step. GS Jordans for sale Sanders said in a recent interview to become a threat on the offensive end point, to let him in the game easier. In the past two years NBA career, Rubio’s scoring only 10.7 points and shooting percentage and three hit rate is only 35.9%, respectively, and 31.7%. His shooting range jumper between shots and in situ. For younger players, this is often the case. Fernandez even take Rubio Magic Johnson as a template. When he first entered the league, the magician’s passing skills was stronger than his scoring. But in the end of his career, and his scoring average has to reach 19.5 points. In fact, Rubio is still difficult to determine in the future development, but even in the shot spends a lot of effort.

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