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Nike KD 5 Atlanta Hawks may be accepted by the way, in order to get Asik and Jeremy Lin. But the site also believes that the Eagles are too difficult to come up with attractive chips, so the Rockets promised and they are dealing with is not very likely. With Howard to join, Jeremy Lin and Asik team status has been greatly affected. While general manager Daryl Morey keeps on saying that they will not consider the transaction, but the discerning eye can see, Morey is lying. Of course, for various reasons, the Rockets before the start of the new season is unlikely to pull the trigger transaction, but on the eve of the trading deadline, Jeremy Lin and Asik still be able to stay in the team, not so good to say. But the problem is that the Eagles want to eat while Asik and Jeremy Lin, the difficulty is too great, what chips they use to impress rocket it? Straightforward point that if the separate introduction of two eagles in an individual, it is hope.
KD 5 As many experts have said, Morey traded away Jeremy Lin and Asik before, have to look at the two of them and how team chemistry. Certainly Morey also have difficulties, Lin’s salary is too high, the stadium cost in general, so few teams are willing to introduce him. In this context, Morey can choose to wait for an opportunity. Some time ago, there have been media exposed material, said Hawks Lin interest exists. In fact, this argument is not very accurate, the real situation is that the Eagles are interested in for Asik, and he was willing to eat in the transaction while Lin’s contract. As always powerless in the playoffs in recent years a breakthrough, Atlanta who wish to introduce an effective center, in order to let Horford back to his best at the 4th place. This summer, Howard Hawks also participated in the battle to come, but failed to do so. Subsequently, they will be targeting Asik.
Nike Zoom KD 5 Let’s imagine that, if the Eagles do trade for Jeremy Lin and rockets, they may send Louis – Williams, outside the ride as part of the cash chips. In theory, the deal is feasible, because the rocket can take to get rid of their headaches Jeremy Lin. Of course, they are eager to give up Jeremy Lin is not due to the latter no strength, but because they do not know how to use the team to ensure maximum benefits Jeremy. But the problem is that Williams is a partial scoring guard, so if he was sent to the rocket, it will serve as Harden off the bench, while the Rockets hope Lin at the same time to get away a No. 1 position players, so Morey unlikely to agree to replace it with Jeremy Williams.

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