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nike kd vi Earlier there were indications that Washington is about to sign a free agent Al – Harrington. Today, Harrington I accept the "Washington Post" in a telephone interview confirmed the news and revealed that when he decided to join the Wizards, he and the Wizards are now headed player John – Wall [microblogging] conducted a text message exchange , Walter sent his first message is this: to help me make the playoffs! I decided to join the Wizards, you send a text message and the Wall, the Wall is the first one to say, let me help him in the playoffs. Harrington said this.
nike kd vi for sale I am very excited, I think the Wizards can make the playoffs next season, Harrington said in an interview, I do not care any doubt, I will say that I really think. If our team to stay healthy, we can definitely among the Eastern quarterfinals of the column. 1998 to enter NBA [microblogging] since Harrington has for six teams have played, can be regarded as a fully-fledged tramp. The peak of his career 2008-2009 season, he averaged 20.1 points 6.2 rebounds and 1.4 assists and 1.2 steals, he joined the Golden State Warriors created a stunning black eight legend. Orlando Magic last season, Harrington injury played only 10 times. However, nearly a year after this accomplishment, 33-year-old Harrington is ready. To me, the same as last season, just like a nightmare, Harrington said, from start to finish. Magic last summer after I actually got no hope I played when I was healthy after they even surprised. This is very difficult, but everything is gone, I’ve done a fresh start preparations. For the Wizards, Harrington said they were able to make the playoffs next season, not to jump to conclusions. According to him, revealed today, in fact, he began to observe from the last season the team, and witnessed the Wall back to health after their superior status (Wal comeback team winning nearly 50%).
nike kd vi meteorology Wizards last season, the only problem is the lack of a multi-Fours, Harrington said that a team can clear out space on the 4th place. Make a breakthrough within the internal space for the Wall in this area is not doing well, so this for me is definitely a very good chance. I’ve talked with Nene and Waldo this matter, they all hope I can join. In addition to tactical, I also think they bring veteran leadership qualities, tell those young kids know how to do.

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