KD V will not be forgotten by people 12298

Although KD VI has been massive publicity and sale, but it looks like Kevin Durant do not want to forget so soon before the Nike KD 5 one pair of boots. Recently KD drying out a pair on the Internet he called “Slime Flu” color of the KD V, pro-wear into battle, really like it. As we all know, Bryant has always been very confident for the heads-up, he always thought that no one can beat him heads-up game. For this, it seems very much agree with Palmer, he today on Twitter, emotion, Bryant is the league singled king. Best NBA players were singled out, in the first row is Kobe, then LeBron, followed by Durant, Carmelo Anthony, Irving and Westbrook. Palmer wrote. Not only that, Palmer followed Compared to Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan, he believes that even the peak of the peak of the Jordan Bryant suffered, and ultimately win is still singled Bryant.

KD 5 , Jordan still thinks he can beat Kobe Bryant one on one singled out. Palmer writes, but if the peak of the peak period of Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan for the contest, Bryant will win 15-13. Perhaps Palmer’s words sparked the rally fans, then he made a quick explanation, “Do Bryant 15-13 victory over Jordan looks very realistic? Come on! these things can easily happen if you do not think Kobe can beat Jordan 15-13, then you do not understand how it singled 1VS1 and will most likely never played 1VS1 singled out. ”

Nike Zoom KD 5 In fact, Jordan did not retire before, Bryant and Jordan seemed to really enjoy the duel. In a new book released this year which, has coached two of the Zen master is claimed, Bryant “obsessed want to go beyond Jordan, to become the greatest player ever,” but an early arrangement when the two first met Jackson when Bryant Jordan said the first sentence is “you know I can hook you in one of.”