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Nike Air Max 2013 Mens 2007 champion Greg – Greg Oden today announced that it will join the Miami Heat, which is to enter the NBA since August most heavy news. Oden’s agent old Mike – Conley accepted an interview with Fox Sports Florida station, Oden Secret behind the club selection. It is reported that Oden get just the basic salary of a two-year contract, the first year salary is only $ 1.03 million, the second year player option of $ 1.15 million salary. Brokers Conley said, there are other teams out higher than the Heat contract, he did not disclose the specific name of the team, but only in love with the Heat Oden. This is Pat – Riley’s a classic. Heat team reporter Chris – Thomson exclaimed.
Nike Air Max Running Shoe Oden is now very excited. Conley said, he chose the Heat reason is because there are a lot of talented players, they can slowly bring him play, he has a chance to win a championship. Conley said that Oden can prepare to fight the new season opener, but as to whether it can play, depending on the arrangement of the Miami area. I am very confident that he can have a successful NBA career. Conley said. Conley also said last week Heat coach Erik – Spoelstra met with Oden is critical, they are together dinner, Auden very pleased with Spoelstra exchanges.
Nike Free 5 Women Heat scout incumbent Tim – Hardaway interview before, saying that if the Heat can get Oden able to win three consecutive championships, and asked whether this statement would cause pressure Oden, Conley smiled: no, if the Heat championship again, then it must be because they have LeBron – James. Since the total salary before the Heat had over the luxury tax threshold, so the contract will allow the Heat Oden be levied $ 2.6 million in luxury tax. But to get such a low Auden big kill, to pay 2.6 million in luxury tax for the Heat have nothing.

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