nike kd vi The U.S. military “lily” program recently by foreign media exposure: the widely established in the Asia Pacific region small base. “Small but perfectly formed” the strategic value of these small bases is very prominent, like a pond across the Asia-Pacific region in the blossoming water lilies, with them, the U.S. military this “frog” can easily jump to any of the target prey. The front post “Flexible and economical
nike kd vi for sale U.S. military, “water lily” program was first used by George W. Bush during the U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld raised. He believes that the United States should be compact and flexible small base instead of a huge military base. “9.11” incident, the Bush administration anti-terrorism grounds, to intensify the implementation of “Water Lilies” program, hoping to fight the U.S. military base in the global small combat maneuver “springboard” to combat troop rotations and munitions supply point. In recent years, the U.S. government finances tight, constantly cut military spending, the U.S. military bases on the one hand the old “small but fine,” the “water lily” type of transformation, on the one hand to re-enable the legacy of the former base, to ensure that the strategic needs and costs strike a balance between reduction. Obama continued his predecessor’s adjustment policies on overseas bases. With the “return to Asia” strategy, the Asia-Pacific region into the Pentagon planted “water lily” in key areas in order to put more sea Marines, fighter planes and warships deployed in the region.
nike kd vi meteorology According to the Pentagon’s deployment, in the vastness of the Pacific Ocean, from Djibouti Honduras tropical jungle, from the deserts of Mauritania to the Cocos Islands, Australia and the Philippines, the United States are trying to find more “water lily.” According to Voice of America reported that the U.S. will soon hold talks with the Philippines, the two sides will allow U.S. military personnel consultation, aircraft, vessels and other equipment into the Philippines deadline. Earlier, on August 12, the Philippine government announced that it will allow to increase the number of U.S. troops in the Philippines. Philippine Defense Secretary Jia Siming said President Benigno Aquino III has authorized them to hold consultations on the agreement, the agreement will be the increasing U.S. military presence in the Philippines to provide a framework.