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GS Jordans 2010 Summer Heat Big Three together, three NBA Finals the past three years, the completion of two consecutive years, cast the Heat dynasty. This summer, many league teams reinforcing strength,2013-14 season, the Heat are still the favorites, but they really can do four consecutive NBA Finals? However, historical data does not seem to stand the heat here. NBA history since Bill – Russell led the Celtics to 10 consecutive NBA Finals, the only two teams can do the medal finals for four consecutive years, namely 1982-85 Magic led the Lakers ,1984-87 years bird led the Celtics.
GS Jordans for sale Remove their own health problems, enhance the strength of the opponent is the enormous challenges facing the Heat. Now take a look at the pattern of the eastern, the Heat want to re-medal finals, the road is very difficult. Pacers Miami Heat Eastern Conference finals last season with seven games, the new season, the team enhances the bench strength (introduction Scola), welcome back Danny – Granger; Bulls MVP Ross regression; Nets got Kevin Garnett, Pierce and Kirilenko; addition, the Knicks, Hawks, knights, wizards and piston, growing their own strength, are expected to challenge the Heat in the playoffs.
GS Jordans 13 On a team, the consecutive NBA Finals is very difficult because there are many factors which influence. Health First is ranked in the first problem, the Heat will also be a question mark. James may be Iron Man, but Wade is not. Wade in the past few years, injuries, injuries have seriously affected his performance in the playoffs, despite Wade Miami Heat will make every effort to help maintain state, but the new season, no one can guarantee Dwyane not injured. The new season, the Heat is overcoming obstacles, becoming Russell’s Celtics, the third consecutive year the medal finals support team, or encirclement by Zhu Qiang, pour in the journey of defending it? We’ll see.

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