1682 To pay eventually return Nike Air Max Running Shoe

Running is the most economical and convenient way to lose weight,Nike Air Max Running Shoe many of those who have been personally very clear. Now, more and more dieters are joining the ranks of jogging, also received a fat loss results. However, due to study, work and life reasons, running programs are always being interrupted, over time, the weight inevitably rebound momentum, and even higher than the original weight, which makes some dieters give up running altogether, and incorrectly running for weight loss that achieve little.

First we look at the causes of obesity,Nike Air Max 2013 Mens if the body from food energy intake is greater than the normal activities of the body the energy needed, the excess energy in the form of fat stored in the body, add up, the formation of fat. Running weight is nothing more than the truth excessive energy intake in the control, while using low intensity, prolonged exercise consume more energy, this does not form the energy of the excess fat, but will participate in sports use of excess fat , play a slimming effect. Due to various reasons can not keep running, and the whole body has been previously brought to a higher metabolic rate running, digestion and absorption function is still active state, but the energy consumption is greatly reduced because of the interruption of running. Excess energy will become fat deposits in the body, over time, people become fatter.

To prevent this phenomenon, Nike Free 5 Women it is best not to interrupt a long run. If it is because of injuries, work and study needs, you can do some substitution of sports or insist do whatever physical activity, but also to pay attention to diet adjustment and control, reduce fat and high-calorie food intake, drinking water, eat more vegetables and fruits, so as to keep in shape and size during the interruption. Jogging founder Dr. Aken: Healthy come to pay a certain price. Indomitable will, strenuous exercise and sweat. I hope you are actively involved in running this campaign in an effort to persevere, I believe that one sentence: to pay eventually return.

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