Excellent Quality High Efficiency Mineral Concentrator

Detailed Product Description

High efficiency mineral concentrator

1.Improve the mash from 20-30% to 40-70%.

2.environment protected


The High efficiency concentrator machine of our company is suitable for dehydrating water of the concentration and gangue in theconcentrating factory, make the mash of 20- 30% raise up to 4070% about. It is widely used for melting, chemical, coal, non metal concentration, environment protected etc industry.
Performance characteristics of High efficiency concentrator machine:
(1) Adding flocculating agent to enlarge the diameter of the deposit solid grain, speed up the deposit.
(2) Set the lean board, reduce the mash deposit distance, and increase the deposit area.
(3) Have effect on flocculating. Percolating, compressing and dealing quantity of the slurry deposits.
(4) Equipped with the perfect automatic facility.
Model concentration basin(mm) Capacity(t/24h) Motor Over Dimensions(mm)
diameter depth type power(kw)
NZS-1 1.flotation equipments8 1.8 5.6 Y90L-6 1.1 2000x1960x2900
NZS-3 3.6 1.8 22.4 Y90L-6 1.1 3917x3787x3190
NZS-6 6 3 62 Y100L2-4- 3 6170x6170x5053
NZS-9 9 3 140 Y132S-6 3 10000x10000x5337
NZS-12 12 3.5 250 Y132S-6 3 15500x12000x6625
NZS-15 15 3.5 390 Y132S-4 5.5 16545x15670x7017
NZS-18 18 3.floatation cellfroth flotation cells5 560 Y132S-4 5.flotation mineral processing5 19742x18864x7047
NZS-15 15 3.flotation cells process5 390 Y132S-4 5.5 17000x15000x7000
NZS-18 18 3.5 560 Y132S-4 5.5 20000x18000x7000

mineral flotation http://mineral-flotation.cabanova.com
flotation equipment http://flotation-equipment.cabanova.com
separation by floatation http://separation-by-floatation.cabanova.com
flotation cells process http://flotation-cells-process.cabanova.com
floatation machine http://floatation-machine.cabanova.com